(Closed circuit television surveillance: effects on crime)
Brandon C. Welsh, bcwelsh66@msn.com, University of Massachusetts-Lowell, USA, and David P. Farrington
抄録翻訳者:山崎 優子(Yuko Yamasaki)
(Court-mandated interventions for individuals convicted of domestic violence)
Faye Mishna, f.mishna@utoronto.ca, University of Toronto, Canada, Robert MacFadden, Michael Saini, and Charlene Cook
(Custodial vs. non-custodial sentences: effects on re-offending)
Martin Killias, martinkillias@ipsc.unil.ch, University of Lausanne, Switzerland, Patrice Villettaz, and Isabel Zoder
抄録翻訳者:山田 早紀(Saki Yamada)
(Effects of drug substitution programs on offending among drug-addicts)
Nicole Egli, Miriam Pina, Pernille Skovbo Christensen, Marcelo Aebi, and Martin Killias, martin.killias@rwi.uzh.ch, University of Zurich
(Effects of early family/parent training programs on antisocial behavior and delinquency)
Alex R Piquero, David Farrington, Wesley G. Jennings, Richard Tremblay, Brandon Welsh
(Effects of parental impritsonment on child antisocial behaviour and mental health: a systematic review)
Joseph Murray, jm335@cam.ac.uk, Cambridge University, UK, and David P. Farrington
(Effects of second responder programs on repeat incidents of family abuse)
Robert C. Davis, rdavis@rand.org, RAND Corporation, USA, and David Weisburd.
(Formal System Processing of Juveniles: Effects on Delinquency)
Anthony Petrosino, Sarah Guckenburg, Carolyn Turpin-Petrosino
(Hot spots policing: effects on crime)
Anthony A. Braga, Anthony_braga@harvard.edu, Harvard University, USA
抄録翻訳者:山田 早紀(Saki Yamada)
(Incarceration-based drug treatment: effectiveness on criminal behavior)
Ojmarrh Mitchell, mitchell@ccmail.nevada.edu, University of Nevada at Las Vegas, David B Wilson, and Doris L. MacKenzie
抄録翻訳者:山田 早紀(Saki Yamada)
(Interventions for Children, Youth, and Parents to Prevent and Reduce Cyber Abuse)
Faye Mishna, Charlene Cook, Robert MacFadden, Michael Saini, Meng-Jia Wu
抄録翻訳者:西本 成文(Masafumi Nishimoto)
(Mentoring interventions to affect juvenile delinquency and associated problems)
Patrick Tolan, tolan@uic.edu, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA, David Henry, Michael Schoeny, and Arin Bass
(Neighborhood Watch)
Trevor Bennett, thbennet@glam.ac.uk,University of Glamorgan, UK, Katy Holloway, and David Farrington
(Problem-oriented policing: effects on crime and disorder)
David Weisburd, Hebrew University/University of Maryland, msefrat@mscc.huji.ac.il, John Eck, University of Cincinnati, Joshua Hinkle & Cody Telep, University of Maryland
抄録翻訳者:西本 成文(Masafumi Nishimoto)
(Scared Straight and Other Juvenile Awareness Programs for Preventing Juvenile Deliquency)
Anthony Petrosino,Center for Evaluation Initiatives for Children Program, Carolyn Turpin Petrosino, Harvard University, John Buehler, Harvard University
抄録翻訳者:中田 友貴(Yuuki Nakata)
(School-Based Programs to Reduce Bullying and Victimization)
David Farrington, Maria Ttofi
(Self-control interventions for children under age 10 for improving self-control and delinquency and problem behaviors)
Alex R Piquero, Wesley Jennings, David Farrington
(Serious (violent and chronic) juvenile offenders: treatment effectiveness in secure corrections)
Vicente Garrido, vicente.garrido@uv.es, University of Valencia, Spain, and Luz Anyela Morales
(Spatial displacement and diffusion of benefits among geographically focused policing initiatives)
Kate Bowers, Shane Johnson, Rob T. Guerette, Lucia Summers and Suzanne Poynton
(Interventions can reduce schol exclusion but the effect is temporary)
S Valdebenito, M Eisner, D P Farrington, M Ttofi, and A Sutherland
抄録翻訳者:相澤 育朗(Ikuo Aizawa)
(Treatment of sexual offenders reduces reoffending,but more research needed to identify effective interventions)
Martin Schmucker and Friedrich Lösel
抄録翻訳者:相澤 育朗(Ikuo Aizawa)
(Juvenile curfews are not effective in reducing crime and victimization)
David Wilson, Charlotte Gill, Ajima Olaghere, Dave McClure
抄録翻訳者:山田 早紀(Saki Yamada)
(There are no rigorous studies of preventive interventions to reduce youth involvement in gangs in low- and middle-income countries)
Angela Higginson, Kathryn Benier, Yulia Shenderovich, Laura Bedford, Lorraine Mazerolle and Joseph Murray
抄録翻訳者:山崎 優子(Yuko Yamasaki)
(Corporate Crime :Laws and Regulations Have Only Small Effects on Corporations)
Sally S. Simpson, Melissa Rorie, Mariel Alper, Natalie Schell-Busey; With William S. Laufer and N. Craig Smith
抄録翻訳者:山田 早紀(Saki Yamada)
(Face-to-face Restorative Justice Conferences are cost-effective in reducing reoffending and increasing victim satisfaction)
Heather Strang, Lawrence W. Sherman, Evan Mayo-Wilson, Daniel Woods, and Barak Ariel
抄録翻訳者:相澤 育朗(Ikuo Aizawa)
(Interventions to enhance police legitimacy increase public satisfaction with and confidence in the police,and reduce reoffending)
Lorraine Mazerolle, Sarah Bennett, Jacqueline Davis, Elise Sargeant and Matthew Manning
抄録翻訳者:相澤 育朗(Ikuo Aizawa)
(Focused deterrence strategies("Pulling Levers")are effective in reducing crime)
Anthony A. Braga and David L. Weisburd
抄録翻訳者:西本 成文(Masafumi Nishimoto)
(Drug Courts:More Effective in Reducing Drug Use and Reoffending in Adults than Juveniles)
Ojmarrh Mitchell, David B. Wilson, Amy Eggers, and Doris L. MacKenzie
抄録翻訳者:西本 成文(Masafumi Nishimoto)
非拘禁雇用プログラムについての系統的レビュー: 前科者の再犯率への影響
(Non-custodial employment programs: impact on recidivism rates of ex-offenders)
Visher, Christy A., Laura Winterfield,, and Mark Coggeshall
(Correctional boot camps: effects on offending)
Doris L. MacKenzie, David B. Wilson, and Suzanne Kider
(Street-level drug law enforcement)
Lorraine Mazerolle, l.mazerolle@griffith.edu.au, Griffith University, Australia, David W. Soole, and Sacha Rombouts
(Improved street lighting: effects on crime)
David P. Farrington, dpf1@cam.ac.uk, Cambridge University, UK, and Brandon C. Welsh
(Screening and assessment tools used to assess juvenile/young offenders for risk of suicede/self-harm on admission to a prison/secure institution)
Amanda Perry, University of York, UK, and Rania Marandos, London Probation Service, UK
(Institutional violence: the impact of situational factors on violence)
isa Gadon (Glasgow Caledonian University, UK), D J Cooke (Douglas Inch Centre,UK and Glasgow Caledonian University) and Lorraine Johnstone (Douglas Inch Centre, UK)
(Police Strategies for Reducing Illegal Possession and Carrying of Firearms)
Chris Koper, ckoper@sas.upenn.edu, Jerry Lee Center for Criminology, University of Pennsylvania, USA
(Electronic monitoring's impact on reoffending)
Marc Renzema, Kutztown University, USA
(Cost-benefit analysis of sentencing)
Cynthia McDougall, c.mcdougall@psych.york.ac.uk, University of York, UK, Mark Cohen, Raymond Swaray, and Amanda Perry
(Counter-terrorism strategies)
Cynthia Lum, clum@gmu.edu, George Mason University, USA, Leslie W. Kennedy, and Alison J. Sherley
(Cognitive-behavioral programs: effects for criminal offenders)
Mark W. Lipsey, mark.lipsey@vanderbilt.edu, Vanderbilt University, USA, Nana A. Landenberger, and Sandra J. Wilson
(Interventions designed to support victims of crime: psychological outcomes)
Rania Marandos, raniamarandos25@hotmail.com, University of York, UK, and Amanda Perry
(Non-custodial employment programs: impact on recidivism rates of ex-offenders)
Christy A. Visher, cvisher@ui.urban.org, Urban Institute, USA, Laura Winterfield, and Mark Coggeshall
(Effects of bystander programs on the prevention of sexual assault among adolescents and college students)
Heather Hensman Kettrey, Robert A. Marx, Emily E. Tanner-Smith
抄録翻訳者:西本 成文(Masafumi Nishimoto)
(Factors associated with youth gang membership in low- and middle-income countries)
Angela Higginson, Kathryn Benier, Yulia Shenderovich, Laura Bedford, Lorraine Mazerolle, Joseph Murray
抄録翻訳者:西本 成文(Masafumi Nishimoto)
(Police-initiated diversion for youth to prevent future delinquent behavior)
David B. Wilson, Iain Brennan, Ajima Olaghere
抄録翻訳者:西本 成文(Masafumi Nishimoto)
(Limited evidence on the effectiveness of psychosocial interventions to promote well-being among children exposed to intimate partner violence)
Natasha E. Latzman, Cecilia Casanueva, Julia Brinton, Valerie L. Forman-Hoffman
抄録翻訳者:筈谷 友紀子(Yukiko Hazutani)
(Focused deterrence strategies effects on crime)
Anthony A. Braga, David L. Weisburd, Brandon Turchan
抄録翻訳者:西本 成文(Masafumi Nishimoto)
(Hot spots policing of small geographic areas effects on crime)
Anthony A. Braga, Brandon Turchan, Andrew V. Papachristos, David M. Hureau
抄録翻訳者:西本 成文(Masafumi Nishimoto)
コミュニティと問題解決型の戦術による無秩序の取り締まりは、犯罪の減少と 関連しているが、積極的な秩序維持のアプローチの結果はそれとは異なる
(Policing disorder through community and problem-solving policing is associated with reductions in crime, but aggressive, order maintenance approaches are not)
Anthony Braga, Brandon Welsh, Cory Schnell
抄録翻訳者:筈谷 友紀子(Yukiko Hazutani)