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Criminology Research Center(CrimRC)


Research System


Criminology Research Center : Organization chart

Education Section Internatinal Section Research Section Ryukoku Corrections and Rehabilitation Center(RCRC) Director Of The center

Research Section

For the objective of fusing and systematizing various forms of knowledge regarding crime and criminal justice, research is being developed in the following three fields:

  • Crime and Humanity (e.g. forensic psychology; therapeutic jurisprudence; correctional religious studies)
  • Crime and Society (e.g. sociological criminology; socio-legal studies; legal education)
  • Crime and Science (e.g. policy evaluation; quantitative and qualitative methodologies; forensic methodologies)

In addition, we will further enhance our research through conducting projects on ‘public offering research’ (e.g. hate crimes; sexual crime; child care and delinquency) and aim to organize a comprehensive research system.

Moreover, at the Ryukoku Conference 2020 to be held in parallel with the 14th United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice in 2020, our Center will reach a milestone, and will announce ‘Ryukoku University Criminal Policy Recommendations 2020’ which are based on the principle of human support systems.

Education Section

We aim to implement the results obtained by research into society. We are developing projects in the following three themes:

  • Construction of a systematized criminology curriculum
  • Evaluation of, and recommendations for, crime policy
  • Utilizing criminology to develop highly skilled practitioners and researchers

Regarding the curriculum, our Center will create English version reports, and by making use of digital technologies to disseminate and gather information domestically and internationally, we will incorporate a diverse range of perspectives in generating educational reports.

For the social implementation of research outcomes, we will conduct a variety of activities, such as: public research workshops, training workshops, and study sessions. Through doing so, knowledge will be shared with students from elementary to higher education as well as with members of the general public in ‘easy-to-understand classes’ consisting of interactive and Q&A type formats.

International Section

Through academic exchanges with other researchers, practitioners, universities and foreign research institutions, we will not only raise Japanese criminology to international standards, but also promote the accumulated knowledge of corrections and rehabilitation regarding the “safest country in the world” and aim to disseminate these experiences to the world. This will be achieved through several means:

  • Dispatch researchers to foreign universities, research institutions, government agencies etc.
  • Arrange sessions at international conferences and present research outcomes.
  • Invite internationally renowned researchers to hold symposiums in Japan and host symposiums, seminars, research sessions.
In addition, regarding the outcomes of research and education, we are going to create English version papers in order to exhibit and showcase the brand of ‘Ryukoku University’s Crime Prevention and Human Support’. This will be facilitated through the utilization of social media and other digital platforms. As indicative milestones of our progress, we will organize the Ryukoku Conference 2020 and prepare an ‘Internationalization of Research Summary’.